Saturday, June 18, 2011


I cried and I cried. And then I cried no more.

-This blog is officially closed-

Monday, June 13, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Let me introduce my new apartment!

The Kitchen! Perfection in pink!

The living room! Dazzling! Modern! And Bright! I love bright!

My private little terrace. I love reading books here and putting some incense to burn.

My bedroom! B is for Bianqui! <3

Starting a new life! Building a new nest! And it's SO PRETTY! Now to make matching cupcakes...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Memorial Day

I apologized to my sister. She no care. So I no care either.


This weekend was "Memorial Day" weekend in the United States. I am not from the United States, but my father used to live in New York. We've gone to visit occasionally. It was lovely. And one of the best men I've ever met is from the good ol' jolly USA.

Jack, here's to you!